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The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) logged more than 9 million trips in October, which set a record for ridership in a single month, agency officials announced last week.The system counted more than 1 million additional trips on its trolley and bus service during the first four months of fiscal-year 2015 compared with the same period in FY2014. Based on the results, ridership is on pace to increase to nearly 100 million trips over the fiscal year, said MTS Chief Executive Officer Paul Jablonski in a press release.During the first four months of FY2015, MTS ridership grew 3 percent. Trolley ridership rose to 13,977,605 from 13,851,097. Combined with bus ridership, total ridership increased by 1,037,057 to 33,678,039 trips during the period."Riders are finding MTS more convenient than ever before. This is a tremendous response from the public," Jablonski said.