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Sound Transit's Link light-rail ridership soared 65.8 percent to more than 19 million total boardings in 2016, the agency reported yesterday.The ridership surge followed the opening of new stations serving Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood, the University of Washington and SeaTac, Wash., according to a Sound Transit press release.Average weekday boardings on the 20-mile line were 66,203 in fourth-quarter 2016, marking an 89 percent year-over-year increase. Sounder commuter-rail ridership grew 8 percent to 4,162,641 boardings. However, Sounder ridership in Q4 2016 slipped 0.2 percent compared with the same quarter in 2015. Annual ridership on Tacoma Link — Sound Transit's second light-rail line — fell 3.6 percent, according to the agency's fourth-quarter ridership report. Sound Transit reports separate ridership figures for the 1.6-mile Tacoma Link route.Across all modes of transit, Sound Transit logged nearly 43 million riders in 2016, a 23 percent systemwide increase compared with ridership in 2015.