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Sound Transit in Seattle is seeking public input on proposed changes to rail service in 2021, as well as feedback on how service changes related to COVID-19 pandemic have affected riders.
Sound Transit is planning for what service should look like beyond March 2021. Considerations include where services are most needed, where demand might increase and which passengers depend most on services, Sound Transit officials said in a press release.
The agency also is looking at the Northgate Link light-rail extension opening in fall 2021 and considering how to reroute some services to connect with the extension’s three new stations in north Seattle.
Sound Transit invites the public to comment on the plan by phone or email through Sept. 25, or by participating in a virtual public hearing.
The agency responded to reduced ridership due to the pandemic by reducing service on its Link light rail and Sounder commuter trains earlier this year. In response to increases in ridership, Sound Transit is now planning to add rail service starting Sept. 19 until March 2021.
Meanwhile, Sound Transit yesterday announced that civil construction on the Lynnwood Link Extension is 15 percent compete. The project will extend light-rail service from Northgate to Snohomish County by 2024.