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Valley Metro plans to break ground on its first light-rail extension into downtown Mesa, Ariz., in late spring.
In preparation, Valley Metro officials will hold a community meeting Feb. 16 to review the initial construction activities and progress of project design and business assistance programs that are available to neighboring businesses, agency officials said in a prepared statement.
Under the project’s first phase, Valley Metro will relocate underground utilities in preparation for the addition of the future, center-running track. Design is also under way and will be completed so construction can advance in 2013, agency officials said.
The 3.1-mile, four-station Central Mesa extension will travel east on Main Street from the current end-of-line at Sycamore, through downtown Mesa to Mesa Drive. The project will be funded by a mix of regional Proposition 400 funds and federal grant dollars, and is slated for completion by late 2015 or early 2016.