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ACE board elects Hadjinian chair, Costanzo vice chair
The Alameda Corridor-East Construction Authority (ACE) has unanimously elected Jack Hadjinian as chairman.
Mayor of Montebello, Calif., and a board member since 2012, Hadjinian will head the seven-member board that oversees ACE's nearly $1.7 billion construction program, which involves new underpasses and bridges, and safety improvements at congested grade crossings in eastern Los Angeles County.
"The ACE rail-roadway grade separations are a transportation priority for our region and yield important benefits to our communities by eliminating crossing collisions, silencing train horn noise and significantly reducing vehicle delays and emissions at crossings," said Hadjinian in a press release.
The board also unanimously elected San Gabriel City Councilwoman Juli Costanzo as vice chair. She was appointed to the board in 2008.
Elected officials from the cities of El Monte, Industry, Montebello, San Gabriel and Pomona, Los Angeles County and the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments serve on the board.