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Metrolink employee recognized for customer service


Metrolink employee Lauren Whetsel has been named the 2013 winner of the American Public Transportation Association's (APTA) "Call Center Challenge."

APTA holds the annual contest to spotlight the importance of customer service at public transportation call centers "and to recognize individuals who excel in providing top customer service," APTA officials said in a prepared statement.

Whetsel was announced this year's winner at the Feb. 26 North American competition held at APTA's 2013 Marketing and Communications Workshop held in Los Angeles.

"Americans expect professional care as they take more than 10 billion trips each year on public transit, and call center representatives are often an unsung component of that care," said APTA President and Chief Executive Officer Michael Melaniphy. "Lauren Whetsel shows that no matter the request, comment or complaint, our call center staffers are extraordinary."