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The Valley Metro and Valley Metro Rail transit boards have chosen new officers for fiscal-year 2013-14.The regional public transportation authority for Phoenix, Valley Metro elected as its board chairman Scott Somers, who is a Mesa, Ariz., Council member. Also elected were Chandler Council Member Trinity Donovan as vice chairman and Avondale Council Member Jim McDonald as treasurer.Valley Metro Rail, which operates, maintains and expands the light-rail system in the greater Phoenix area, has elected Shana Ellis chairman and Dennis Kavanaugh, vice chairman. Ellis serves on the Tempe Council and Kavanaugh, on the Mesa Council.The leadership for each board will serve a one-year term through June 30, 2014."I look forward to working with the new leadership on both transit boards and anticipate significant accomplishments as we work hand in hand to enhance transit services in the valley," said Valley Metro Chief Executive Officer Steve Banta in a prepared statement.