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RECO's new 12" LED Flashing Lights have a zero inrush current to protect the operation of the lights and provide circuit protection. These lights are equipped with light out detection on the LED board for each individual quantum in order to alert railroad personnel upon failure. Alignment detection sensors will notify personnel if a LED is not in proper alignment, keeping the crossings safe by ensuring maximum visibility at all times. The 12" LED Flashing Lights come with an optional high flash start up to provide the ability to increase the beginning flash rate of the lights to improve visibility. RECO’s lenses are made out of injected-molded, fiberglass and reinforced plastic, making them strong and lightweight. Product Specs: • Operating voltage 8V to 12V • Temperature range -40 to +85°c Available to purchase just the LED insert to replace incandescent lighting or available with the lenses. For more information, visit: