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Rail News Home Positive Train Control


Rail News: Positive Train Control

Caltrain begins installation of advanced signaling system


Caltrain has kicked off the first element of its "modernization program" with the installation of a communications-based overlay signal system (CBOSS) as part of the railroad's positive train control (PTC) project.

The CBOSS PTC system is designed to significantly improve Caltrain's performance and enhance safety, as well as prepare the system for future high-speed rail operations, Caltrain officials said in a press release.

The system equips the corridor with federally mandated safety technology and increases system capacity, which will help accommodate future increases in services, they said.

The project's current phase involves installing a fiber optic backbone along Caltrain's right of way to enable signals, trains, dispatchers and other aspects of railroad operations to communicate seamlessly. When completed, the system will monitor and control train movements in the event of human error.

The system is designed to increase safety by eliminating the risk of train-to-train collisions; reduce the risk of potential derailments by enforcing speed limits; and provide additional safety for rail workers on tracks.