Forget eye-catching, progressive Internet technology — senior-level logistics and supply-chain executives would rather access customer-focused applications to improve supply-chain performance.
That's one of the key findings of a white paper recently compiled at Richmond Events Inc.'s The Logistics and e-Supply Chain Forum in conjunction with AMR Research.
The companies polled more than 250 senior logistics and supply-chain executives through discussions held at the invitation-only event.
Other findings include:
• the highest logistics-automation priorities are in-transit shipment visibility and exception alerting;
• demand forecasting and logistics for collaboration currently are supply-chain company targets;
• logistics investment during the past year hasn't decreased despite the weakened economy; and
• logistics experts are bullish on using software to improve supply-chain performance.
The white paper also states that, while cutting costs and improving processes are important supply-chain objectives, customers should be the focus of initiatives to drive sales.
Source: Progressive Railroading Daily News