Congress to assemble rail security training task force (10/22/2007)


Congress is creating a rail security training task force to comply with a provision in the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, which the U.S. House and Senate passed in August.

Task force members will include representatives from railroads, rail shippers, rail labor unions, law enforcement, fire departments, emergency responders, and security and terrorism experts. Led by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the task force will be charged with developing a railroad security training program.

The 9/11 Commission Act requires the TSA to develop regulations for a program aimed at preparing front-line rail workers for potential security and terrorist threats.

The United Transportation Union (UTU) recently appointed International Vice Presidents J.R. Cumby and Tony Iannone as the union's representatives on the task force, according to the UTU.

Source: Progressive Railroading Daily News