In first-quarter 2007, Kansas City Southern plans to implement Wabtec Corp.’s Train Management and Dispatching System (TMDS) on the Kansas City Southern Railway Co. (KCSR) and Kansas City Southern de México S.A. de C.V. (KCSM).
TMDS will enable both railroads to manage train operations under Centralized Traffic Control and Track Warrant Control operations. The system provides an integrated train sheet, electronic track bulletins, auto-routing capability and other train dispatching functions. TMDS also will support Global Positioning System tracking of switchers, wireless mobile worker solutions and Wabtec’s Electronic Train Control Management System.
In the fourth quarter, KCSR and KCSM will begin training dispatchers in Shreveport, La., and Monterrey, Mexico, on TMDS. The dispatchers will help KCS officials validate the system’s design for both railroads.
Source: Progressive Railroading Daily News