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DART unveils kiosk to help airline passengers navigate ground travel

CHK America's ConnectPoint kiosk, which helps customers plan ground travel
Photo – DART


Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) has deployed a new touchscreen kiosk at its Love Field Station to help air travelers plan ground travel.

CHK America's ConnectPoint® Interactive Touchscreen Kiosk allows riders to explore transit options and create specific routes, including an overview of entire routes, next departure times and a detailed local mapping for each stop.

The kiosk integrates with tracking and location systems, scheduling systems and other DART information systems to provide comprehensive information for customers, DART officials said in a press release.

In addition, the kiosks provide trip-planning tools that include detailed travel directions for public transit, cars, bicycling and walking. Texting and email options also are included for easy transfer to a mobile device, DART officials said.

Deploying the kiosk "is a significant step forward in providing airline passengers with the information they need to successfully transition to DART's outstanding transit services," said CHK America President and Chief Executive Officer Rick Wood.

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