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Billions needed to improve transit security, APTA says


U.S. transit agencies will need at least $6 billion during the next three years to fund security improvements, American Public Transportation Association (APTA) officials say, and that’s exactly what association officials requested yesterday in a testimony before the Highways, Transit and Pipelines Subcommittee of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

A recent APTA survey identified at least $5.2 billion in additional capital funding needed to maintain, modernize and expand transit system security. Agencies need another $800 million annually to help pay for increased operating costs for security personnel, training, technical support, and research and development.

Between Sept. 11, 2001, and the end of 2003, transit agencies spent $1.7 billion — derived from their own budgets — on security and emergency preparedness programs, and technology, such as increasing surveillance, employee training, police and K-9 units; testing chemical detection systems; holding drills with first responders; and encouraging passengers to be on the lookout for suspicious activities or items, according to a prepared statement.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has allocated $115 million to transit agencies for security needs, compared with more than $12 billion for airlines, says APTA.