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FRA grants help two RailAmerica short lines shore up flood-damaged track


Two RailAmerica Inc. short lines are beginning to repair flood-damaged infrastructure thanks to Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) grants.

The administration recently awarded $15 million to nine states for emergency repairs to short-line infrastructure damaged by severe weather — the first time the short-line industry has received federal disaster-relief funds.

The Indiana Southern Railroad, whose track was damaged last year by 100-year floods, is spending $1.5 million on repairs. Likewise, the Missouri & Northern Arkansas Railroad is recovering from 10 track washouts and a total of $1.9 million in infrastructure damage caused by storms and subsequent flash flooding last year.

Under the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance and Continuing Appropriations Act of 2009, the FRA is authorized to provide $20 million for the repair and rehabilitation of rail infrastructure — such as bridges, track and signals — in federal disaster areas. The FRA plans to issue another solicitation for the remaining $5 million.