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Coalition survey cites opposition to heavier truck weight limits


A national survey conducted by Hart Research Associations on behalf of the Coalition Against Bigger Trucks (CABT) found nearly three-quarters of registered American voters oppose proposals to raise the federal cap on truck weight limits on interstate highways to 97,000 pounds from the current limit of 80,000 pounds.

Seventy-two percent of the respondents indicated they oppose increasing the weight limits and 49 percent said they “strongly oppose” higher weight limits, CABT officials said in a prepared statement. The survey also found the opposition stemmed from public concerns about the potential for more accidents, highway damage, traffic congestion and higher taxes to repair roads damaged by heavy trucks. The rail industry opposes any increases to truck weight or length limits.

“What we heard is that Americans simply don’t want bigger, heavier trucks because they’re worried about the safety of these vehicles on the road,” said CABT spokesperson Curtis Sloan. “Taxpayers also don’t want to be left holding the bag when it comes time to pay for road damage.”