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NITL, ARC create rail competition-enhancing coalition


National Industrial Transportation League (NITL) and Alliance for Rail Competition (ARC) Feb. 27 created Coalition for Rail-to-Rail Competition, a joint venture designed to better coordinate and boost rail shippers' efforts to re-regulate the railroad industry and enhance competition.
NITL President Edward Emmett will coordinate lobbying efforts and act as a spokesman for the coalition, which will be directed by a steering committee comprising equal members from both organizations.
"This is not about shippers versus railroads," said Emmett in a prepared statement. "This is about ensuring a healthy, competitive rail industry for the future."
ARC officials plan to bring the organization's lobbying and policy-change-seeking experience to the coalition table.
Per a mission statement, the coalition aims to foster unity among rail customers on the issue of freedom and competitive choice; create a forum to build consensus on principles, strategy and direction; improve the effectiveness of rail customers in bringing about rail-to-rail competition; and create the momentum for change.