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ASLRRA announces safety award winners


American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association recently named winners of various 2001 safety awards.

2001 ASLRRA Safety Award winners are:
(250,000 or More Employee Hours)
• Gold - Florida East Coast Railway (541 track miles);
• Silver - Paducah & Louisville Railway Inc. (1,125 track miles);
• Bronze - Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad Inc. (369 track miles); and
• Copper - Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Co. (680 track miles)

(50,001-250,000 Employee Hours)(Corrected 4/8/02)
• Gold - Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad Inc. (449 track miles);
• Silver - Minnesota, Daktoa & Western Railroad (four track miles);
• Bronze - Chicago SouthShore & South Bend Railroad Co. (128 track miles); and
• Copper - Columbus & Ohio River Rail Road Co. (160 track miles)

(10,001-50,000 Employee Hours)
• Gold - North Shore Railroad Co. (43 track miles);
• Silver - Morristown & Erie Railway Inc. (42 track miles);
• Bronze - Camas Prairie RailNet Inc. (245 track miles); and
• Copper - Canton Railroad Co. (21 track miles)

(0-10,000 Employee Hours)
• Gold - Carolina Rail Services Inc. (three track miles);
• Silver - Missouri Central Railroad Co. (42 track miles);
• Bronze - Luxapalila Valley Railroad Inc. (34 track miles); and
• Copper - D & I Railroad Co. (138 track miles)

(Switching and Terminal Railroads)
• Gold - The Belt Railway Co. of Chicago (342 track miles);
• Silver - The River Terminal Railway Co. (30 track miles);
• Bronze - Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis (207 track miles); and
• Copper - Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Co. (469 track miles)

Meanwhile, 2001 ASLRRA Marketing Award winners are 240-mile New York & Atlantic Railway Co., 186-mile Dallas, Garland & Northeastern Railroad Inc., and 180-mile Indiana Southern Railroad Inc.; 2002 ASLRRA Safety Person of the Year is Gene Franiak, a laborer with 469-mile Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Co.; and 2001 ASLRRA Contractor of the Year is A. J. Belliveau Railroad, which recorded more than 8,000 employee hours without an accident or incident.

ASLRRA also recently announced that 169 small roads won 2001 Jake Awards with Distinction and 29 roads, 2001 Jake Awards.

The Jake Award — created in 1994 by Copper Basin Railway President and Chief Operating Officer L.S. "Jake" Jacobson — recognizes regionals and short lines that last year maintained perfect safety records, reporting no fatalities or injuries. The Jake Award with Distinction is awarded to railroads that last year registered no fatalities, injuries or train accidents.

The number of Jake Award winners dropped compared with 2000, when 191 small roads won Jake Awards with Distinction and 18 roads took home Jake Awards.
ASLRRA officials believe the difference might be tied to as many as 33 railroads that hadn't submitted to Federal Railroad Administration their accidents/incidents form as of March 1.
Also, ASLRRA in past years held its awards program in fall, providing railroads more time to file late reports; ASLRRA is holding its annual meeting April 28-30 because of Sept. 11's effects.

ASLRRA plans April 29 to present awards to all winners at its annual meeting and exhibition in Orlando, Fla., except Jake Award recipients, who'll receive their awards by mail.