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More Canadians want to use public transit, but agencies can't accommodate demand surge, poll says


Rising gas prices are attracting more Canadians to public transit, according to a recently released survey conducted by the Strategic Council for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA). But most transit agencies already are operating at or beyond capacity.

More than one in five Canadians are considering making a switch to transit, the poll found. If gas prices continue to rise, more than 40 percent of those surveyed said they'll consider transit. Transit ridership could triple, but agencies are not prepared to handle such an influx of passengers, according to the survey.

"The ability to respond to a surge in demand will require major investments in additional service," said CUTA Chairman Steve New in a prepared statement.

Adds FCM President Jean Perrault: "We're looking at an unprecedented opportunity for government to help Canadians deal with high gas prices while jumpstarting a shift from cars to transit. Ultimately, the country needs a properly funded national strategy. But the federal government can get things rolling right now by adding a dedicated top-up to the existing federal gas tax fund for transit."