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National Mediation Board shuffles management staff responsibilities, reporting


Yesterday, the National Mediation Board (NMB) announced a staff restructuring designed to enhance communication, and improve oversight and reporting.

The board named six senior managers, who will report to NMB's directors:
• Chief of Staff Benetta Mansfield will serve as NMB's administrative authority and senior advisor;
• Deputy Chief of Staff for Mediation Larry Gibbons will supervise NMB's mediation department, and oversee all mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) cases;
• Director of Arbitration Services Roland Watkins will manage all arbitration matters;
• General Counsel Mary Johnson will supervise the Office of Legal Affairs, and be responsible for all representation cases and legal issues involving the Railway Labor Act;
• Deputy Chief of Staff for ADR Development and Technology Daniel Rainey will manage development of the board's ADR program, and oversee research and public affairs; and
• Chief Financial Officer and Chief Information Officer June King will manage NMB's financial and information technology programs.