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RAIL.ONE to provide supervisory services, concrete ties for South Korean high-speed line


A South Korean high-speed passenger railway recently enlisted Germany's RAIL.ONE GmbH to provide trackwork supervisory services, and supply and install concrete crossties.

Under the supervision services pact, RAIL.ONE will provide up to five supervisors to provide project management, track construction, crosstie installation and rail welding support for the second section of the Kyungbu Line, which will run from Seoul to Busan. The work, which includes the installation of the RHEDA 2000® ballastless track system over a 37-mile segment, is scheduled to begin this month and be completed by mid-2009.

Under a separate contract, RAIL.ONE also will deliver 150,000 concrete bi-block ties for the Seoul-to-Busan high-speed line. The ties will be produced in a recently built plant in Sangju, Korea. Pandrol's SFC rail fastening system also will be used "for the first time here," RAIL.ONE said in a prepared statement.