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ENSCO Rail provides advanced rail technology solutions for the passenger, transit and freight markets. The company has expertise in autonomous track inspection, machine vision, track asset management and decision support, and track inspection systems.At Railway Intechange 2017, ENSCO plans to highlight these technologies or perform demonstrations on:• virtual track walk, which can provide high-resolution, synchronized track images on an office computer to conduct track inspections, asset audits and concrete-tie grading;• GeoEdit 8, which can provide/display measurement data, generate reports and export data;• the latest digital track geometry and rail profile technologies offering greater accuracy and easier calibration;• Automated Maintenance Advisor, which can integrate track inspection tools to better understand deteriorating condition trends to proactively and scientifically plan track maintenance tasks;• Signal and communications inspection system, which can independently measure and inspect train-control systems, AC track circuits, grade crossings and insulated joints; and• IData®, a COTS software development toolkit that can be used to design Human Machine Interface for railway vehicles.Visit ENSCO Rail at Booth #4653 at Railway Interchange, which will be held Sept. 17-20 in Indianapolis.
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