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Rail Components Catalog Freight Car Products Computer Programs

Rail Industry Component:
RailTech Software Systems: CarHire21 for Windows XP or Higher

RailTech Software Systems

Import the data and the system will perform validations. First it will validate that certain information is in the proper format, such as dates, car initials, car numbers and so on. It will then validate that the data does not already exist in your history car hire file. If the system finds an error of any kind, it will not upload the information. An error report is generated that you can view by pushing the Error Report push button.

The error report will show you the line number of the data file and will let you know what the last error detected for that line was. You can then delete the line or correct it. Next, the system will manipulate the data so that it can be related to your repair records and lease information.

Select which report you want to run, Cost per Mile, Mileage, Ad Valorem or Equalization, then select from the pull-downs what data you want and from the radio buttons what order you want to display it in.

You can also add to your filter specific items from the "Special" pull-down.