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Rail Components Catalog Track Products Tie Disposal

Rail Industry Component:

Bdone Biomass Inc.

On-site used and scrap railway tie remediation services and equipment. Bdone Biomass Rob Faber 519 539 4806 cell 519 532 9601 or The lowest cost, smallest carbon footprint and environmentally approved. Efficient asset and equipment management The proper utilization of assets and equipment can save millions of dollars per year. Internal division budgets are sometimes detrimental to the bottom line and extra profits of the company overall. Sometimes one division is willing to utilize other division’s assets for their own internal areas and bottom line. This effects efficient utilization of equipment and has effects on customer service to paying freight and is very costly on a number of areas. This may help one division look more efficient but in the overall operation of the company it is very costly and millions are lost.For example used railway tie disposal.Track repair and maintenance will utilize the companies’ equipment and rail lines and add congestion to the rail system. When disposing of a tie to receive a more beneficial tipping fee for disposal they will send ties 100’s of miles more to save a few cents. Meanwhile the real cost of shipping is ignored and the overall expense to the company is large. So one division will save a few cents and another part of the company will pick up extra dollars in expenses on a per tie bases. Railroads will have 100’s of gondolas designated for railway tie disposal. They will move material at no cost traveling 100’s of miles subsidizing the scrap tie disposal company. These cars are not put into customer usage and are moved back empty back to the removal location. This was done out of necessity as they was no economic alternative.Imagine if those gondolas were being utilized for paying customers. Imagine eliminating 80% of these from the track and maintenance divisions. The only way to do this is with Bdone Biomass who remediates the used ties at the point of removal. This saves all of the transportation issues and costs that are presently being used. If a real look at the costs was used then the Bdone system would save the railroad millions of dollars. But if sending a tie 100’s of extra miles by rail at no cost or free shipping is looked on as an efficient operating method and the fuzzy math that is used to justify it, an opportunity to save millions will be ignored. The savings in millions of dollars in capital equipment is an important consideration. If 80% of gondolas and support equipment is no longer required then they need to be readdressed on the financial ledger. Equipment that is no longer needed can be sold, retired and scraped or put into service as equipment for customers and cargo service. No new and updated equipment would need to be purchased adding to the railroads savings. This would be a major reduction in manpower, maintenance and new capital for replacement equipment. These savings are in the millions of dollars with an increase in operation efficiency. This new innovative way of disposal gives a more efficient use of equipment, capital, and manpower and track utilization. The difference in the cost to remediate a tie from the existing methods cannot be looked at on an equal base to this new method. Save a penny and lose a dollar is not a good policy for the overall operation of a company.