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Rail Components Catalog Track Products Tie Plug Inserters

Rail Industry Component:
Willamette Valley Co.: SPIKEFAST® Application Systems

Willamette Valley Co.

SPIKEFAST® is a tough, high-performance spike hole filler material that anchors spikes with comparable strength to that of unspiked hardwood ties. SPIKEFAST is easy to apply and offers an application system to match every need, the company says. The motorized chassis is a high-production, two-operator plugger able to fill spike holes while operating in rail or regauging gangs. Production rates of up to 25 tie plates per minute are consistently achievable and spike hole plugging can be performed either with the rail removed or in place, the company says. Carts and high-rail application systems are portable solutions utilizing the same SPIKEFAST metering system as the larger chassis. The company says its newest innovation, a single meter portable application system, is the ideal size for small maintenance crews. The system is can be rolled on the rail by hand or fit in a high-rail vehicle. Lightweight, handheld canister applicators are ideal for remote locations or critical areas where holding gauge is essential and high-production equipment is not available, the company says. The hand-held applicator is the perfect solution for small bridges, frogs, or switches, the company says.