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Rail Components Catalog
Freight Car Products
Paints/Painting Equipment
Rail Industry Component:
Chlor Rid International Inc.
Rail Industry Component:
Chlor Rid International Inc.: Stop Flash Rust
Chlor Rid International Inc.
Much of the coatings industry has changed to wet or mist blasting to stop dust as it is very costly to capture and control. If you wet blast or mist blast simply add Hold*Blast to the water and it passivates the surface and stops flash rusting. It is available in 5 or 55 gallon containers. It is non-hazardous and there are no worker hazards or equipment hazards of concern. The product does not leave a film or residue and does not interfere with coating adhesion. In over 20 years of use there has never been an adhesion problem. The product is all organic and biodegradable and in most cases can be put directly down a sewer.