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Rail News: Safety

Metra gears up for safety 'blitzes'

During the blitzes, Metra safety employees hand out educational materials at stations during morning commutes.
Photo – Metra


Metra and Operation Lifesaver Inc. this year will conduct 54 safety "blitzes" at stations across the Chicago commuter railroad's six-county region.

During a blitz, Metra safety employees hand out educational materials about train and grade crossing safety at a station during the morning commute. This year, the railroad will hold safety blitzes at 54 train stations.

The railroad's staff also will answer questions and listen to commuters' safety concerns, Metra officials said in a press release.

"These safety blitzes allow us to reach our customers directly to ensure that they understand the need to stay vigilant about safety around the railroad," said Metra Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director Jim Derwinski.

Metra's police department also will beef up enforcement at locations throughout the region and issue citations and warnings to pedestrians and drivers who ignore gates or warning devices.

Each year, Metra develops a schedule of safety blitzes throughout the Chicago area.