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A Michigan State Senate bill calls for the use of $1.3 billion in federal recovery dollars to fix deteriorating bridges and improve grade crossing safety in several locations throughout the state.
The bill would use $126 million in federal money to improve grade crossings at highway intersections. Michigan has more than 4,000 crossings at public highways. In 2020, the state was ranked the 15th worst in the nation for the total number of collisions, injuries and fatalities at crossings, according to a press release issued by State Sen. Michael MacDonald’s office.
The funds would help reduce, or in some cases eliminate, train-vehicle interactions through grade separations at crossings.
A majority of funds in the bill would be used to repair bridges in critical need of repairs. The repair projects would be bundled, in which design and construction of multiple projects around the state would be contracted at the same time, according to the press release.
SB 529 has been sent to the Michigan House of Representatives for consideration.