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December 2007
— Jeff Stagl
BNSF Railway Co. presented its annual Short-Line Achievement Awards to three railroads last month. The winners were the Kansas and Oklahoma Railroad (which is owned by The Watco Cos. Inc.), Otter Tail Valley Railroad (owned by RailAmerica Inc.) and Portland & Western Railroad (owned by Genesee & Wyoming Inc.). “These awards recognize the resourcefulness and achievements of three short lines that have gone beyond our expectations through innovation, determination and hard work to build new business for our railroads and new service products for our shared customers,” said BNSF Vice President of Network Development Pete Rickershauser in a prepared statement. BNSF interchanges with 200 short lines, regionals and switching carriers. Through August, BNSF shipments that originated or terminated on short lines accounted for about 18.5 percent of the Class I’s 2007 revenue. Meanwhile, the Ann Arbor Railroad picked up some hardware from a shipper. The 54-mile short line received Chrysler Corp.’s Gold Award for superior supplier performance. Three times running Ann Arbor is the only railroad to receive the honor for high quality management standards, total customer satisfaction and superior service for three consecutive years. The Association of American Railroads and Railinc recently conducted origin and destination quality reviews at the Ann Arbor Railroad’s multi-level loading and unloading facilities. The loading facility obtained a 98 percent score and unloading facility, a 99 percent mark. The Ann Arbor Railroad operates a line between Ann Arbor, Mich., and Toledo, Ohio. The short line interchanges with Canadian National Railway Co., CSX Transportation and Norfolk Southern Railway.
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