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The Short Line Safety Institute's Safety Culture Assessments (SCA) have improved safety culture performance for short lines, according to an analysis from the Federal Railroad Administration's Office of Research, Development and Technology.
Titled "Implementing SLSI-Provided Opportunities Supports Safety Culture Growth," the analysis states that railroads that completed a second "Time 2" SCA performed by the institute experienced measurable overall improvement in safety culture, SLSI officials said in a press release.
"We recognize the advantages that strengthening safety culture has had on participating railroads, and encourage short line railroads to take advantage of an SCA and the over 600 years of industry expertise our team has to offer," said SLSI Executive Director Tom Murta.
While all 10 study railroads improved their overall safety culture, eight implemented most safety culture opportunities identified in the assessment courses. Overall improvements were observed across all 10 core elements of the SCAs.
The study also found that the more time that elapsed between the "Time 1" and "Time 2" assessments, the greater success each railroad had in implementing the identified opportunities.