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Rail News: Short Lines & Regionals

NCRR solicits applications for 'Build Ready Sites' program


The North Carolina Railroad Co. (NCRR) is now accepting applications for its Build-Ready Sites program.

The application prioritizes proposals from rural and/or economically distressed communities, as well as sites with demonstrated community backing and support from infrastructure partners like railroads and utility providers, NCRR officials said in a press release.

Through the program, NCRR acts as a catalyst to increase the number of rail-served sites that are ready for use by a manufacturer or similar employer. The sites can be used for land preparation, critical water and/or sewer extension.

"North Carolina needs build-ready, or construction-ready, rail sites," said NCRR Director of Economic Development Joe Stallings. “North Carolina has few existing resources for development without significant interest from a client in a specific land site. This is where investments from NCRR, through Build Ready Sites, will help add to the development of land sites, new jobs and an overall contribution to the state’s economy.”

NCRR stipulates that the target site size be no less than 50 developable acres, and sites must also meet other environmental, zoning and infrastructure requirements. Site funding will total up to $500,000 — or $750,000 if the site is located along the NCRR corridor — or 60% of the total proposed project cost, whichever is less, NCRR officials said.

Each application will undergo a rigorous screening and site-review process to be overseen by Global Location Strategies, a consultant based in Greenville, South Carolina, said NCRR President and CEO Carl Warren.

To learn more about the program and apply, click here.

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