Green For All: How Railroads Are Creating Pro-Planet Initiatives That Better the Bottom Line

Presented by Carl Gerhardstein, Director of Environmental Systems, CSX Corporation, Inc.

Organizations that go green typically give top billing to the altruistic features of their sustainability initiatives. But beyond environmental stewardship, the benefits of cutting back on carbon footprints are significant, especially to the company’s bottom line. It’s a discovery that more and more railroads are making as they implement their own green strategies, be it reducing emissions, cutting fuel use or boosting the energy efficiency of their corporate offices.

In this webcast, you will hear first-hand from a railroad that is “walking the green walk,” and discover that the advantages of pursuing sustainability go beyond benevolent straight to the balance sheet.

This webcast will address:

* Sustainable initiatives CSX
* The economic benefits of greening throughout a rail organization
* Key steps railroads should consider as they plan for their own eco-friendly programs

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 Progressive Railroading
 2100 W. Florist Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53209
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