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Rail Category: Canadian National Railway - CN  -  2009 Article Index

Find railroading Canadian National Railway - CN articles for the rail career professionals

Class I outlook: A gradual recovery's in the offing, CEOs say

Class I CEOs expect modest traffic growth, more cost controls in coming quarters

From 'if/then' to unconditional (Pat Foran, Context, November 2009)

Bountiful U.S. corn crop, plentiful Canadian wheat harvest keep railroads optimistic about grain traffic

CN's Hunter Harrison is the Recipient of Progressive Railroading's 'Railroad Innovator' Award

A matter of adjustment before the non-flood (Pat Foran, Context, September 2009)

For CN, integrating a Major Portion of the EJ&E isn't just about bypassing Chicago

Although Class Is revenue and traffic Were Way Down in 2Q, So Were Costs

A conversation about composition and character (Pat Foran, Context, August 2009)

8th Annual MOW Survey: Class Is

C & S Engineers: In Their Own Words

Despite Steep Traffic Declines, Class Is Register Revenue and Income Gains in 4Q

Recession, rhetoric and clarity's clarion call (Pat Foran, Context, February 2009)