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Rail Category: CSX Transportation  -  2012 Article Index

Find railroading CSX Transportation articles for the rail career professionals

Santa, holiday trains deliver cheer, charity

Railroads tackle major bridge projects to replace worn-out structures, speed up trains and improve access to rail service

Financial reports from Class I railroads in third quarter show resilience in the face of weak markets, soft economy

New train station on track for late 2014 completion in Rochester

Election 2012: Rail experts sound off on funding, retirement, rules, policies and taxes

Railroads gear up to protect computers from hackers

The C-suite life at CSX; Patriot Rail's John Fenton: a leader to watch (Context, September 2012)

Top executives at CSX rely on teamwork to spur business growth, enhance service performance

Large railroad companies, small railroads try to forge better business relationships

Railroads on track to hire a cast of thousands in 2012; plus, rail traffic data (May 2012)

Railroad communications technology: from cellular to radio to satellite to Wi-Fi

Railroad coal traffic update: Domestic volumes are down, but demand for export coal is up

Rail's future in New Orleans

Rail infrastructure challenges, part 1: Freight railroads are on pace to meet ambitious maintenance-of-way goals this year

Sustainability: Class I railroads are taking bigger footsteps toward shrinking their environmental footprint

The first pitch in the Pershing Square-Canadian Pacific proxy fight — by Tony Hatch

Q4 2011: All in all, it's just another brick in the 'renaissance' wall

As diesel costs rise, railroads turn to technology, training and procurement strategies to reduce fuel consumption

Class I diversity strategies help women break through the glass ceiling