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Rail Category: Class Is  -  2011 Article Index

Find railroading Class Is articles for the rail career professionals

Rail industry data and trends from Progressive Railroading December 2011

The year ahead, intermodal as royalty and a new high-speed rail outlook report — by Pat Foran (Context, December 2011)

Rail industry data and trends from Progressive Railroading November 2011

PTC: Railroads attempt to get a better handle on positive train control implementation

The railroad-rail labor contract: Of what ifs and work stoppages — by Pat Foran

RailTrends 2011: The Growth Story Retold

Rail industry data and trends from Progressive Railroading September 2011

Rail industry data and trends from Progressive Railroading August 2011

Rail industry data and trends from Progressive Railroading July 2011

Florida Gov. Scott gives go-ahead for SunRail project

Rail industry data and trends from Progressive Railroading June 2011

Workers Wanted: Railroads on target to hire 15,000 this year

Rail industry data and trends from Progressive Railroading May 2011

Next-generation productivity — by Brooks Bentz, Accenture

Presenting "Maintenance of Way Spending Report 2011"; Class I capex at $12 billion for 2011; modest international trade growth in store for 2011 — by Pat Foran (Context, April 2011)

Rail industry data and trends from Progressive Railroading February 2011