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Rail Category: Short Lines & Regionals  -  2007 Article Index

Find railroading Short Lines & Regionals articles for the rail career professionals

Rail Outlook 2008: The Road Ahead

Columbia Basin line on comeback trail

Genesee & Wyoming to acquire major stake in Maryland Midland

MOW officials in their own words

A regional with the right connections

Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway: A regional with the right connections

Oregon line 'unsafe,' railroad says

Tax-credit bills continue to gain backers on Capitol Hill

Of global trade and garbage

The bridge between something old, something new

GWI to shut down Mexico's Chiapas-Mayab

Fortress to acquire Florida East Coast

Bill Drusch retires after guiding two short lines and one regional along traffic-growth paths

Fleet Stats '07

Railroads seek congressional backing for two tax-credit bills

Rail traffic will rebound in the second half, Class I officers tell ASLRRA annual conference attendees

Dollars and sense in the short-line world - by Tony Hatch

DM&E, R.J. Corman land RRIF loans

Iowa Interstate: Gaining speed on the Interstate

Regionals, short lines try to add infrastructure today to ensure they can handle more traffic tomorrow

MOW Dollars: Progressive Railroading's 5th Annual Maintenance-of-Way Survey

Class Is boost 07 MOW budgets to keep up with track maintenance, capacity needs

Regionals, short lines boost MOW spending to tackle more track and crosstie projects in 2007

RailAmerica: New owner, new leadership

Net Effect: How the internet has changed the way railroads do business

A taxing situation: The short-line tax credit