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Rail News: February 2004

February 27

UP routes southern California-bound traffic over BNSF's Arkansas line

Amtrak to revise Michigan-to-Chicago service

CN, UTU reach tentative agreement covering GTW workers

South Florida RTA obtains $28 million from USDOT for double-track project

NS helps develop more than $1 billion worth of industrial projects in 2003

Spanish railway contracts Bombardier-led consortium to maintain high-speed trains

U.S. roads register robust weekly traffic figures, Canadian roads and TFM record up and down data, AAR says

MBTA to replace Orange Line signal system

Trinity obtains BNSF's 6,000-hopper order, offers senior notes to generate working capital

February 26

CN, CAW officials back at bargaining table

KCS' year-old transportation plan is paying service accuracy dividends

EWS replaces 'Royal Train's' two power units with one EMD locomotive

Wheeling & Lake Erie rolls out Johnstown America's specially built aggregate cars

Transentric sells rail-car tracing software to Texas oil refinery

February 25

FRA to ease, hasten RRIF application process as promised, ASLRRA says

Spanish railway awards shuttle, variable gauge train contract to ALSTOM/CAF consortium

CSXI's March fuel surcharge to hold steady at 4.5 percent

BART contracts Cubic for smart-card software

U.S. rail retirement board appoints Arfa head of hearings, appeals

VIA Rail tests new wireless Internet service

RailPower lines up another shipper to test hybrid Green Kid switcher

STV promotes SVP Spearing to chief strategic growth officer

Wabtec Railway Electronics, Cobra Europe attain ISO 9001:2000 status

February 24

STB schedules last public hearings tied to Conrail merger oversight

FHWA should act on rail committee's crossing safety recommendations, AAR's Hamberger says

UTU-Canada asks appellate court to review CIRB's decision to reword representation election ballots

MHF Logistical Solutions to market container for radioactive-material moves

UPS continues streak as top transportation company in Fortune poll

February 23

BNSF banks on campaign to turn up the heat on track buckle prevention

Houston METRO proposes light-rail extension

Portland port picks Anacostia & Pacific to form rail switching firm

Amtrak expects Acela ridership boosts from new marketing campaigns

Peoria seeks STB approval to build connecting track, convert segment into trail

NJ Transit adjusts Secaucus Junction timetables

Kelso can market pressure-relief valve to North American tank-car users, AAR says

WMATA to install credit card fraud-identifying software

Greenbrier promotes Olinger to VP, controller

February 20

Canadian Auto Workers launch CN strike after negotiation stalemate

WMATA Chairman Smith outlines 2004 obstacles, goals

BNSF to build track serving Stockton, Calif., industrial park

Long Island Rail Road implements online ticket service

UP continues search for train-service candidates

Siemens to implement product-development software

Weekly AAR traffic figures so-so for U.S. railroads, strong for Canadian roads and sickly for TFM

Spanish railway contracts Alcatel-led consortium to provide C&S technology

Note to railroads: UPS has the nation's best customer service, survey says

February 19

Canadian labor minister, mediator try to prevent CAW strike against CN

KCS to purchase 74 locomotives from lessor

Financials: RailAmerica increases quarterly, annual revenue; reduces debt-to-capital ratio

OmniTRAX appoints former RailAmerica SVP Sauer to top marketing post

Savi Technology offers updated software, RFID tags targeting container safety

February 18

In memoriam: Former Penn Central, B&O president Langdon

US&S to cut jobs after Network Rail cancels contract

Schneider National opens Pacific Northwest intermodal field office

Houston METRO registers more than half a million riders on new light-rail line

Wabtec increases year-over-year earnings for sixth-straight quarter

ARINC names longtime exec Jacoby chairman

National Steel Car names Bertram regional VP of marketing, sales

Bombardier names Navarri head of rail transportation group

New York City Transit contracts Wabtec to provide additional subway-car components

February 17

Canadian Auto Workers reject CN agreements, plan to strike Friday

Watco Cos. to acquire Camas Prairie from North American RailNet

Make it seven quarters in a row of North American intermodal volume growth, IANA report says

BNSF banks on teen meetings, school presentations to boost crossing safety

National Steel Car appoints Pickel regional VP of marketing, sales

February 16

AAR traffic figures: Intermodal still primary driver, but carloads not taking a back seat for U.S., Canadian roads

Rail tunnel fires: How to minimize risk, maximize safety, report says

NJ Transit approves $22.9 million in viaduct repairs

The Andersons assumes ownership of all Railcar Ltd./Progress Rail rolling stock

Greenbrier's Nova Scotia workers ratify three-year pact

Libya to host international transportation conference in fall

February 13

Deutsche Bank transportation conference: Second day, same positive economic sentiments expressed by Class I execs

Senate passes $318 billion reauthorization bill; House recommends TEA-21 extension

FRA provides public another two months to comment on interim train-horn rule

Budget woes continue for Port Authority of Allegheny County

North Carolina Railroad, NS choose contractor to replace rail bridge

World Trade Center PATH station sets higher-than-expected commuter figures

Indiana Rail Road set to spend a record amount of MOW dollars to handle increasing traffic

TRE names Sklannik COO

FRA doles out $4.6 million RRIF loan to Oklahoma short line

February 12

Deutsche Bank transportation conference: Day one presentations focus on improving economy, accelerating earnings

KCS senior staffers conduct series of town hall meetings to stress safety, service

OmniTRAX handpicks Hollowell to head Colorado short line, build region's business

Indiana short line to operate Ameren's Show Me State small road

Smart and Secure Tradelanes expands to South Africa, adds Taiwanese port

February 11

Genesee & Wyoming's full year, quarterly financial figures multiply in Australia, subtract in North America

Amtrak requests $1.8 billion in FY05

Florida East Coast Railway helps color parent company's financial ledger black

Port Authority of Allegheny County receives federal funds to extend light rail, enhance community programs

Pacific Harbor Line to regain scrap-metal recycling customer

HNTB to study proposed Kansas City, Mo., commuter-rail line

Hydrogen generator supplier on board for fuel cell-powered locomotive project

WMATA to build West Falls Church station parking structure

Florida East Coast appoints Popky EVP, CFO

ALSTOM obtains two contracts from French national railway

February 10

BNSF's 2003 industrial development scorecard surpasses $1 billion

Watco forgoes annual budget process in favor of overall operating plan

OmniTRAX promotes EVP Parker to COO

Railroads play role in reducing UPS' fuel usage, greenhouse gas emissions

Florida East Coast Railway to install MPL Technology's lubricating stick on all locomotives

February 9

CSXT cuts 120 management positions; plans to issue more pink slips

Transportation leaders experience war game to enhance security efforts

CSXT, UTU to test guaranteed rest at several yards

SEPTA to close community information center

Shapira starts up Pennsylvania short line, raising small-road roster to three

Cubic-led consortium to bid on Denmark smart-card system

New York Regional Rail attracts investor, issues common stock and adds board members

WMATA to solicit public comments on proposed police station

North American Technologies finances debt, shuffles senior staff to prompt composite tie production

February 6

AAR January traffic tally: U.S., Canadian roads register carload gains; combined intermodal traffic still strong

Teamsters Canada Rail Conference outpolls UTU for right to represent CPR workers

FTA recommends FY2005 New Start funds

Texas Transportation Institute to conduct safety study for Houston METRO

UP unveils intermodal service designed to speed freight across Mexican border

Amtrak signs agreement with AT&T wireless to install Internet at stations

'Day on the Hill' still a go for next week despite Senate ricin scare, ASLRRA says

VRE obtains FTA funds for additional station parking

TTX seeks STB approval to extend flat-car pooling authority until 2019

February 5

CSXT charges Duke Energy 'reasonable' coal rates, STB says

Puerto Rico plans to construct the Caribbean's signature port

CSXT to place 10East's mobile device in all signal maintainers' pockets

Agricultural-product shipper plans to test drive RailPower's Green Kid

International rail consultant Interfleet Technology acquires GB Railway's RSE Management

February 4

Rate case corrections favor utility's argument against NS, STB says

Senate Finance Committee recommends TEA 21 transit funds

KCS sets 2004 MOW agenda

Draft environmental reports complete for California's proposed high-speed rail system

CSXT honors Virginia county administrator for promoting 'Parks for Growth' program

WMATA awards control system contract to ARINC

Newly reorganized Railroads of New York elects officers, names executive director

Amtrak contracts Wabtec to provide brake actuators

National Cargo Security Council book offers shipment security tips

February 3

Rail-car market report: 2003 deliveries, orders and backlog reveal a rebound, but some constraints remain, ARCI says

USDOT proposes FY2005 budget

BMWE to participate in FRA-sponsored fatigue study of MOW workers

CSXT honors two Florida short lines' business-boosting efforts

GE Rail/MHF Logistical Solutions' remote-monitoring system targets rail security

Wabtec's locomotive, rubber-product subsidiaries attain ISO 9001:2000 designation

February 2

Change at the top: UP pegs three-man team to lead company

New York MTA advances car purchase for Metro-North Railroad

United Steelworkers members approve CPR contract

Maryland Transit prepares for double-track project, reconfigures routes and reduces headways

NS registers record-setting performance for UPS during 2003

CTA reopens fourth station on the Blue Line's Cermak (Douglas) branch

CSXI's monthly fuel surcharge surpasses 4 percent

RailPower forms subsidiary to foster U.S. presence

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February 2004


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