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Rail Category: Federal Legislation & Regulation  -  2009 Article Index

Find railroading Federal Legislation & Regulation articles for the rail career professionals

Rail Outlook 2010: Inching toward a new normal

Public-private partners behind Chicago's CREATE program seek TIGER grant, another transportation bill appropriation

Harvesting optimism (and a few grains of salt) - Pat Foran, Context, October 2009

Transit Execs' Take on the 'Authorization' Act

Tony Hatch: Byzantium-On-The-Potomac or a Town Called Hope?

House T&I committee unveils six-year authorization bill, Administration calls for interim transportation plan

Feds, states and transit agencies continue to post progress on 'stimulus' projects, guidelines

The Stimulus Express: Stimulus & Transit

The Stimulus Express: Transit Agencies

The Stimulus Express: Amtrak

The Stimulus Express: Intercity Passenger Rail and High-Speed Rail

NRC’s Baker outlines recovery act’s impact on freight rail during Webcast

ASLRRA convention session sheds light on positive train-control developments

The stimulus bill: A balancing 'Act' (Pat Foran, Context, May 2009)

Bill to repeal roads’ antitrust exemption passes Senate committee; railroads, shippers might seek compromise on rate/competition dispute

Transit Agencies Prepare Project Lists to Prep for Economic Stimulus Funds

The Cry of the Less Shrill; it's a Capitol Idea (Pat Foran, Context, March 2009)

What'll it Take for Rail to Gain 'Stimulus' Traction on Capitol Hill — Now and Over the Longer Haul?