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Rail Category: Federal Legislation & Regulation  -  2015 Article Index

Find railroading Federal Legislation & Regulation articles for the rail career professionals

AAR, APTA offer an industry outlook from the association perspective

Time is running out on Amtrak's aging tunnels

Free to move LNG: Alaska Railroad gains FRA blessing to transport liquefied gas to interior region

After the Amtrak derailment, what's next?

Crude by rail: Federal rule fallout

From the editor: After the crude-by-rail rule and Amtrak derailment

USDOT expects to receive 800 applications for TIGER VII grants

Apprehension and frustration lingered over the crude-by-rail sector shortly before the USDOT issued its safety rule

Railroads tweak critical-incident stress plans to meet new FRA rules

Operation Lifesaver continues to spread the rail-safety word

Transit agencies plan their moves as Congress dances around funding questions

Rail regulation, PTC, surface transportation reauthorization top rail industry's 2015 legislative agenda

Federal transportation funding set for FY2015

Joseph Szabo says goodbye to Federal Railroad Administration, hello to Chicago planning agency