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Rail Category: Federal Legislation & Regulation  -  2010 Article Index

Find railroading Federal Legislation & Regulation articles for the rail career professionals

'Certainty is what drives investment' — AAR's Ed Hamberger

Rail regulation: 'Balanced competition' bill back on the front burner

Short-line tax credit — still on hold

Guest Comment: Section 45G tax credit is a prescription worth refilling — by George C. Betke Jr.

Patience a virtue on the slow ride to HSR; tax credit measure 'ping-ponged' back to senate; and getting past the giddiness with PTC (Pat Foran, Context, June 2010)

Amtrak: upgrading the Northeast Corridor, improving long-distance service

STB bill is still on the clock - by Tony Hatch

Rail projects win lion's share of TIGER program's $1.5 billion pot

A matter-of-factly urgent 'Day' on The Hill (Pat Foran, Context, March 2010)

The STB Reauthorization Bill: Keeping the collaborative faith

Railroads have until April 16 to submit PTC roll-out plans

Elevating the dialogue, raising the bar (Pat Foran, Context, February 2010)

Rail and shipper interests begin to weigh in on STB reauthorization bill

In wait-and-see mode (more on the STB bill) - by Tony Hatch

Of BNSF/Berkshire and regulation - by Pat Foran (January 2010)