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Rail Category: Federal Legislation & Regulation  -  2011 Article Index

Find railroading Federal Legislation & Regulation articles for the rail career professionals

Rail Outlook 2012: Passenger rail

Rail Outlook 2012: Freight rail

RailTrends 2011: The Growth Story Retold

Thinking 'growth' after the first debt-ceiling dance (Pat Foran, Context, August 2011)

Railroad Day on Capitol Hill: Delivering the rail message amid the debt din

Railroad Day on Capitol Hill (preview)

On the Uncertainty Express with Amtrak; American Association of Railroad Superintendents' Frank J. Richter Scholarship — (Pat Foran, Context, May 2011)

Rail and federal funding: Obama's FY2012 budget and the proposed FY2011 cuts

Spending-cut bill would slash funding for Amtrak, transit programs

Railroads and the tax code: Short lines, transit agencies welcome tax benefit extensions